Wednesday, April 18, 2007


So I was browsing some pictures of celebrities wearing pretty clothes earlier, as one is wont to do (solely to look at the clothes, I swear), when I happened to notice a banner advertising some reality show at the top of my screen that flashed a picture of a man and a woman in sequence, and said something to the effect of "Mom AND diva; the perfect woman!" and "Heartthrob! Suuuuuuper famous recording artist! Seriously, you've heard of him! We promise!" and then there was a picture of both of them, and it said something like "Hopelessy, ridiculously, FAMOUSLY in love!" So after I had cleaned the vomit out of my keyboard, I realized I sort of recognized them, and then of course I became reeeaally reeeeeally curious -- curious in a way I can never seem to become about Augustinian doctrine or Foucault's theory of author function -- so I Googled. It turns out it was some British pap whore (paparazzi whore -- it's a phrase I invented. I think the revolting conotation suits it.) couple called Katie Price and Peter Andre, of whom I had vaguely heard. All told, it wasn't a very exciting Google. But then I hit Image Search, and everything changed...

The wink! The hat! The kissy face! The thumbs-up COVERING HER NIPPLES! It's... it's beautiful. It's art. The way her one fist sort of squishes into her boob like it's some sort of grotesque giant silicone pillow... I can't stop staring at it. I always knew the British were classy, but... Linsday Lohan has NOTHING on this shit! Paris Hilton is MILES behind! Why is there none of this going on on the North American C-list?? I demand more hand-bras and lazy eyes! THIS, my friends, is sex appeal.

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